
Strong Base Anion (SBA) Ion Exchange Resins

Ecolab offers an extensive range of Strong Base Anion (SBA) ion exchange resins based on a polystyrenic or polyacrylic matrix with either gel and macroporous structures. These products include Type I and Type II, as well as mixed base and ion selective functionality. They are supplied in a wide range of grades and ionic forms to optimize performance. This full range of SBA products complements our extensive range of weak base anion resins.

The applications for strong base anion ion exchange resins are extensive - well beyond classic industrial water treatment. We are constantly expanding our product lines through Research and Development have created many products specifically tailored to meet customer needs. One example of this is our line of Shallow Shell Technology™ (SST™) that incorporates a full range of strong base anion products and offers higher regeneration efficiency in many applications.

Polystyrenic or Polyacrylic Matrix
In many applications the resin matrix can be important. Polystyrenic resins are more rigid and more hydrophobic compared to polyacrylic based resins. In some cases, they also have higher thermal stability. These factors should be considered when choosing the proper strong base anion resin since they can affect performance in some applications.

Gel or Macroporous Structure
In many cases, Ecolab produces equivalent strong base anion products in both gel and macroporous structures. Generally, gel resins have a higher breaking weight and offer higher activity levels (working capacity). Due to their pores, macroporous resins have better resistance to osmotic shock attrition, better access to the active sites, and greater resistance to fouling due to the large surface area. The macroporous products are also lighter and so differences in density, where separation from another resin is required, can also be important and optimized.

anionit silnie zasadowy Produkty według aplikacji

anionitowy składnik złoża mieszanego

demineralizacja - składnik anionitowy silnie zasadowy

● Lista produktów - Anionity silnie zasadowe makroporowate

● Lista produktów - Anionity silnie zasadowe żelowe