Accelerate your biologic
drug development with
Purolite™ chromatography resins.

Accelerate your biologic
drug development with
Purolite™ chromatography resins.
Jako światowy lider w technologii żywic opracowujemy i produkujemy małe kulki, które są wykorzystywane w najbardziej regulowanych gałęziach przemysłu na świecie do oddzielania, usuwania lub odzyskiwania bardzo specyficznych pierwiastków i związków.
Ucz się więcej(Obecnie tylko w języku angielskim)
With 40 years of manufacturing expertise and 30 years of regulatory experience, we supply leading separation, purification and extraction technologies to support chromatography and biocatalysis applications in healthcare and life sciences.
Jesteśmy światowym liderem w technologii separacji, oczyszczania i ekstrakcji na bazie żywic, która zapewnia zrównoważone rozwiązania dla naszego środowiska, firm i opieki zdrowotnej.
Ucz się więcejThe use of ion exchange resin for organic acid purification.
Nasza zawsze gotowa pomoc techniczna i zespoly serwisowe robia dodatkowy krok, aby byc Twoim najbardziej zaufanym zasobem. Jestesmy tu dla Ciebie.
Organic acid purification for food and beverage products encompasses lactic and citric acid purification. They serve as an additive and preservative in food and beverage applications.
The main applications of ion exchange resins in organic acid purification are chromatographic separation and demineralization. For chromatographic separation, ion exchange resins purify the filtered organic acid broth by removal of residual sugars and salts. In demineralization applications, strong acid cation resins convert mineral salts to mineral acids whereas weak base anion resins remove the mineral acids by displacing the more weakly held organic acids that are adsorbed onto the sites.
Purolite Advantage
Purolite partners with customers on research and development projects to develop tailored resins for the latest applications. We also provide value to the food and
beverage industry by offering outstanding technical sales and support, global presence, a customer-centered approach, and top-tier research and development laboratories and resources.
Meeting Complex Regulatory Needs
Purolite’s organic acid purification resins must meet FDA guidelines (USA) and REACH requirements (EU). Purolite produces Halal products under the supervision of several respected Islamic councils and manufacture products in compliance with Kosher production and packaging rules.
Quality and consistency are key components and an essential part of chemicals. ISO and additional standards associated with quality management, good manufacturing practices, and ease of access to regulatory information are all well regarded and extremely relevant to the food and beverage industry. Purolite has a dedicated, global regulatory team at our manufacturing locations to support your applications and management of change initiatives.
Please contact us with your ion exchange resin questions.
Anion Exchange Chromatography
Demineralization - Citric, Lactic and Glycolic Acid
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