Bioprocessing (English only)
DurA Cycle A50
Driving innovation and performance while
reducing cost of goods.
DurA Cycle A50
Driving innovation and performance while
reducing cost of goods.
もっと読むWith 40 years of manufacturing expertise and 30 years of regulatory experience, we supply leading separation, purification and extraction technologies to support chromatography applications within the Pharma and Medical space.
Learn moreWe are a world leader in resin-based separation, purification and extraction technology, that provides sustainable solutions for our environment, businesses and healthcare.
Learn More私たちの常に準備ができている技術サポートとサービスチームは、あなたの最も信頼できるリソースになるために追加のステップを踏み出します。私たちはあなたのためにここにいます。
Purolite weak base anion gel ion exchangers have an acrylic matrix. This ensures excellent chemical and thermal stability, resistance to attrition and osmotic shock. These properties make the resin ideal for use in the pharmaceutical, chemical, and food processing industries as well as for the neutralization of strong acids.
Typical applications for WBA gel resins:
● カテゴリー - 弱塩基性カチオン交換樹脂・ゲル
クロマト分離 - クエン酸、乳酸
脱塩 - クエン酸、乳酸、グリコール酸
脱塩 - ゼラチンとコラーゲン
脱塩 - ラクツロース
脱塩 - 弱塩基性アニオン交換樹脂成分
脱塩 - 弱塩基性アニオン交換樹脂成分、糖液処理用グレード
脱塩 - 複層
脱塩 - 高濃度有機物含有水
脱塩 - 高濃度有機物含有水、糖液用グレード uses cookies to give you the best possible experience. By using, you consent to our use of cookies. If you do not wish to receive our cookies, adjust your browser settings. Read our Cookies Policy to learn more.