Purolite Praesto Jetted A50

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Established Resin for the Purification of Monoclonal Antibodies

Over the last four decades, affinity chromatography has become foundational to the purification of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) and, through that, the development of therapeutic medicines.

Purolite Jetted A50 is engineered to purify monoclonal antibodies and associated protein constructs, supporting various FDA-approved antibody-based therapies.

To meet the evolving needs of the biopharmaceutical industry, Purolite Praesto is recognized as the first Jetted agarose resin, prioritizing sustainability and productivity in biopharmaceutical development.

Compared to other affinity resins, Purolite Jetted A50 offers robust dynamic binding capacity to increase product yield during protein purification.

Purolite™ Chromatography Resins

Purolite Jetted A50 is manufactured using patented Jetting technology, ensuring uniform particle size for enhanced quality and performance.

Jetting manufacturing supports sustainability through reduced use of harmful solvents and water usage. Compared to traditional methods, Jetting accelerates time to market with fewer production steps.


High dynamic binding capacity up to 80 g/L

Alkaline stable up to 0.1 M NaOH

High capacity 50 μm bead

Product Data

Excellent Pressure Flow Properties

The uniform particle size and highly cross-linked agarose base bead provides increased surface area without severely impacting pressure flow properties. Purolite Jetted A50 has excellent flow properties, with up to 200 cm/h achievable in a standard mAb platform process. This has been verified in process scale columns.

Alkaline Stability

Sodium hydroxide exhibits high efficiency in removing bound proteins, nucleic acids, and lipids from bioprocess resins, alleviating the risk of fouling on heavily burdened Protein A columns. Purolite Jetted A50 is alkaline stable for over 100 hours of exposure to 0.1 M NaOH, and over 30 hours of exposure to 0.5 M NaOH.

Dynamic Binding Capacity

Purolite Jetted A50 exhibits high dynamic binding capacities for conventional monoclonal antibodies, up to 70 g/L at a 10-minute residence time. Patented Jetting technology, coupled with the latest Protein A technology, allows for high capacity at even low residence times. The resin is uniquely suited to address the demands of modern bioprocessing, from high-titre cell cultures to continuous chromatography formats.


Purolite Praesto Jetted A50 Datafile


Column Packing Instructions


Purolite Praesto™ Jetted A50

Typical Physical & Chemical Properties


Highly cross linked agarose


Spherical, uniform size beads supplied in 20% ethanol slurry. On request 2% benzylalcohol


Protein A

Dynamic binding capacity

Up to 70 mg mAb/ml resin

Up to 80 mg hIgG/ml resin

(10 minute residence time)


50 µm

粒径範囲 (um)

>95% between 35-90 µm

Pressure/Flow specifications

Up to 200 cm/h (30 x 20 cm)

pH安定性, 運転時

3 - 12

pH安定性, CIP (短期)

2 - 13


2 - 8 °C in 20% ethanol / 2% benzyl alcohol. Shipped in 20% ethanol / 2 % benzyl alcohol on request.

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