Purolite Nuclear Power Products

Technical Poster

Nuclear Power Plants

Ecolab works to ensure your plant's chemistry operates at the highest efficiency with quality ion exchange resin. We have been leading the industry for more than 35 years with technical experts that provide on-site services, expertise and auditing to:

  • Protect your nuclear system against corrosion
  • Extend unit's life
  • Maintain a safe environment from radioactive isotopes
  • Meet the nuclear promise

CriticalResin™ is designed exclusively for use in nuclear power operations and backed by a full-service technical support team. Ecolab’s diverse NRW nuclear grade product line meets the highest published quality specifications required by nuclear power industry worldwide and allows power plants to address all areas of water purification within nuclear operations.

Nuclear Plant Services

We partner with you to optimize savings, continually develop products and services, and seek methods to reduce operating costs. Our technical experts are ready to offer application, resin and system modification assistance while providing attention to system detail without introducing risk.

  • Resin bed optimization
  • Resin bed operating capacity calculations for de-lithiation beds and RFO beds
  • Resin bed life extensions recommendations
  • Resin bed layering Schemes
  • Targeted radioactive isotope removal
  • Resin source-term reduction assessments

Nuclear Power: Source Term Reduction with Macroporous Resins

This webinar demonstrates how source-term reduction can be achieved using macroporous cation and anion resins and explain how these resins are becoming the industry standard at many utilities worldwide. The data presented demonstrates the superiority of macroporous cations used to remove divalent metals such as Co-58/60. Data shows how macro and orthopterous anions for removing colloidal nuclides in water streams contribute to source-term reduction. 
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Ion Exchange Applications in Nuclear Power Plants

This presentation coverz using ion exchange resin for multiple applications in both BWR & PWR Nuclear Power Plants and addresses the different types of NPP and how our resin selection correlates. We also discuss our XLC and XLS product offerings and how they are an advantage to the market. 
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Source Term Reduction Using Specialty Macroporous Resins

Authors: Terrance Heller, Sr. Technical Sales Specialist, Chris Bailey, Southern U.S. Regional Manager

Specialty macroporous ion exchange resins are well-established in primary systems for clean-up and full-power nuclear operations. Nuclear plants using specialty macroporous resins have greater dose retention on clean-up beds and lower activity on post-filters, among other benefi ts. The macroporous anions NRW5010 and NRW5070 are used for operations considered unique to resin technology, specifi cally the filtration of extremely fi ne corrosion products that conventional filtration will not remove. The macroporous cation NRW160 has notably greater loading for cobalt, cesium, and other metals. Achievements reported with macroporous resins have resulted in these products being considered among the best-accepted practices for nuclear plant operations. READ MORE

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Nuclear-Grade Resin Applications

Chemical Volume Control (CVCS) during full power 
Resin layering technology in the CVCS, uses proven macroporous specialty resins including the orthoporous NRW5010XLC or NRW5070XLC for colloidal activity, the cation NRW160Li7 for high selective removal of metals including Cs, Co, and Ni and the specialty mixed bed NRW3560XLCLi7 for final polishing. This technology has a 20+ year record of exceptional results. The XLC version of the anions ensures no chloride issue during PWR startup with high boron and lithium concentrations. 

Outage cleanup with high ionic loads and fine colloids 
The layered technology discussed above was introduced by Ecolab primarily for outage beds as this is where the greatest colloid and ionic load is generated during the oxidizing cleanup phase. The cleanup bed has affinity for fine colloids and high selectivity for Co58. With continuous use this technology is included in best practice for source term reduction by the nuclear industry.

Spent fuel pool (SFP) cleanup 
Resins polishing spent fuel coolant encounter aggressive oxidative conditions resulting in sulfate accumulation after a short service period. The high crosslinked cation NRW1160 has shown extended life in this environment. Use of these resins and possible other practices such as short loading may improve demineralizer life and reduce resin waste. If difficult isotopes are present in the pool, selective resins are available such as NRW5330B with high affinity for antimony and other trace metals.

Steam generator blowdown (SGBD) recovery
Specific resins have been developed for use in polishing steam generator blowdown for reuse. Our low sodium cations NRW160LS and NRW1160LS are specific for plants that do not regenerate and will operate polishing demineralizers months beyond a conductivity or amine break while controlling the release of Na.

Radioactive waste cleanup 
Removal of isotopes and ionic impurities from waters planed for reuse of discharge is properly addressed with the specialty mixed bed NRW3560 or the slightly more economical mixed bed NRW3240. Use of the layered specialty macroporous anion NRW5010 or NRW5070 and the macroporous cation NRW160 during outage cleanup generally improves treatability of wastewater collected during outage. In the event there are difficult isotopes in the radwaste stream, there are many selective resins available for specific situations.

Nuclear grade resin for deep bed condensate polishing (CP) 
Specialty condensate polishing resins Supergel™ SGC650H and Supergel SGA550OH are designed for PWR polishers. 

Non-regenerable pressurized water reactor (PWR) and boiling water reactor (BWR) deep bed polishers will find NRW1160 and NRW8000 beneficial with these low organic sulfate and organic chloride releasing resins.

Polishing requirements for makeup (MU) water
Regenerable resins such as NRW100 and NRW400 will perform the bulk of the demineralization and mixed bed polishing followed by a non-regenerable mixed bed UCW3710 for final polishing of trace ions and minimizing total organic carbon (TOC) release from the resin. This makeup water will be used in all nuclear systems.

Nuclear grade resin for reactor water cleanup (RWC) 
The layered technology discussed above is applicable for BWR reactor water deep bed demineralizers with affinity for fine colloids and excellent selectivity for Co60. 

Cation Decontamination
NRW160 Independent Study

Nuclear Power Generation Products by Application