
Biofluid Treatment

Polymeric resins are widely used in medical devices for applications that require separation and purification. 

Polymeric materials are used in medical laboratory equipment for blood analysis and biosensors and as well as extracorporeal liver support-albumin dialysis with the Molecular Adsorbent Recirculating System (MARS).

Immobilized lipases are used in medical devices for the treatment of patients with cystic fibrosis and exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, where fat malabsorption can lead to decreased caloric intake and deficiencies of fatty acids (FA), important for growth and development.

A medical device targeted to remove urea uses a different enzyme, urease, immobilized on a polymer. Its removal has been a major problem for patients suffering from renal failure.

The polymer itself, once packed into columns, will demonstrate mechanical, physical and chemical stability over time during sterilization processes (such as gamma radiation or steam sterilization).

Immunoadsorption (IA), the therapeutic removal of Ig from plasma, has been proven to be a useful treatment in several autoimmune disorders including renal transplant recipients or in cytokine storm disorders. The adsorption method allows for the removal of molecules from blood or plasma by affinity on specific target molecules attaching to a surface incorporated in a device within an extracorporeal circuit by using styrene/ divinylbenzene polymers packed into columns.

Biofluid treatment Products by Application