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Our Chromatography Column Packing Calculator is just the beginning of the tools and knowledge that's available to you. Dive deeper into the world of chromatography with these valuable resources:

The Importance of Process Intensification in Chromatography
The Importance of Process Intensification in Chromatography
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Process Intensification Strategies to Improve Protein A Resin Cost Effectiveness
FAS Technical Support

Process intensification enchances efficiency, reduces costs, and promotes sustainability by optimizing every step of the process. Leading to faster sepearations, higher throughput, and lower reagent consumption, making operations more efficient and environmentally friendly. 

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DurA Bind Two

Purolite DurA Cycle A50 improves purification performance with high capacities, which can help to enable a lower cost per gram of commercial drug product. Building on the innovation of Purolite Praesto Jetted A50 HipH, Purolite DurA Cycle A50 provides a wider elution pH window to address aggregate clearance. 

Find out more > 

Bioprocessing Knowledge Hub

Discover a wealth of information and expertise in our Knowledge Hub. Our resources area is designed to support and inspire; scientists, researchers and industry proffesionals with comprehensive literature, insightful videos, detailed case studies, and authoritative whitepapers. 

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Bioprocessing Webinar Series, join Field Applications Specialist, Dr. William Bowen as he explores innovative strategies and practical applications to increase resin utility, resulting in improvements in costs and time efficiencies in Protein A affinity capture. 

Key Learning Objectives:

  • Understand key characteristics of Protein A affinity resins and their impact on process performance.
  • Understand the constraints and limitations of common chromatography resins and how these can be overcome
  • View practical models for downstream process intensification.
  • Understand how to maximize cost-efficiencies and productivity with reduced buffer consumption and increased resin utilization.
Watch now >

Are you seeking expert guidance in the field of chromatography?

Our dedicated team of chromatography specialists at Purolite are here to assist you with your specific needs. Whether you require support for resin selection, process optimization, or troubleshooting, our knowledgeable staff is ready to provide tailored solutions to maximize the efficiency of your chromatography process.

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How to calculate flow rate in chromatography?

Calculating flow rate in Chromatography involves using specific formulas depending on the type of chromatography being used. Generally, the flow rate (F) is defined as the volume of mobile phase passing through the column per unit time.

F= V/t


F= Flow rate (typically mL/min)
V= Volume of the mobile phase (typically in mL)
t= Time taken for the volume to pass through the column (typically in minutes)


How to calculate capacity factor in chromatography?

The capacity factor (k') in chromatography is a crucial parameter that measures the retention of a solute relative to an unretained compound. To calculate the capacity factor, follow these steps:
  1. Measure the retention time (tR) of the analyte of interest.
  2. Determine the void time (t0), which is the time taken by an unretained compound to pass through the column.
  3. Use the following formula to calculate the capacity factor:

k' = (tR - t0) / t0


k' = capacity factor
tR = retention time of the analyte
t0 = void time (retention time of an unretained compound)

The capacity factor is dimensionless and provides valuable information about the interaction between the analyte and the stationary phase. A higher k' value indicates stronger retention of the analyte on the column.

Factors affecting the capacity factor include: Understanding and optimizing the capacity factor is essential for achieving good separation in chromatography. It helps in method development, column selection, and overall chromatographic performance.