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DurA Cycle A50
Driving innovation and performance while
reducing cost of goods.
DurA Cycle A50
Driving innovation and performance while
reducing cost of goods.
With 40 years of manufacturing expertise and 30 years of regulatory experience, we supply leading separation, purification and extraction technologies to support chromatography and biocatalysis applications in healthcare and life sciences.
Purolite 弱碱性阴离子离子交换凝胶采用丙烯酸基质。这种方式可实现优异的化学性、热稳定性、抗磨损性和渗透压。所以这款树脂非常适用于制药、化学和食品加工行业,也是中和强酸的理想选择。
WBA 凝胶树脂的典型应用:
● 分类列表 - 凝胶型弱碱性阴离子交换树脂
脱盐 - 乳果糖
脱盐 - 弱碱阴树脂组分
脱盐 - 弱碱阴树脂组分, 糖级
脱盐 - 柠檬酸、乳酸和乙醇酸
脱盐 - 高有机物水
脱盐 - 高有机物水, 糖级
色谱分离 - 柠檬酸, 乳酸 uses cookies to give you the best possible experience. By using, you consent to our use of cookies. If you do not wish to receive our cookies, adjust your browser settings. Read our Cookies Policy to learn more.