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DurA Cycle A50
Driving innovation and performance while
reducing cost of goods.
DurA Cycle A50
Driving innovation and performance while
reducing cost of goods.
With 40 years of manufacturing expertise and 30 years of regulatory experience, we supply leading separation, purification and extraction technologies to support chromatography and biocatalysis applications in healthcare and life sciences.
柑橘汁中的苦味主要是由柚皮苷和柠檬苦素等化合物引起的,它们通常在加工过程中被去除。生产商使用了几种技术来控制果汁中的苦味和 pH 值,其中吸附树脂越来越受欢迎,因为这个过程只需要很少的能源,而且在环境上更具可持续性。
高达 95% 的苦味化合物可以通过使用树脂吸附剂去除。
能有效去除引起苦味的化合物 [例如柠檬苦素(三萜)和黄烷酮苷(黄酮类)] 的 Purolite 产品包括: uses cookies to give you the best possible experience. By using, you consent to our use of cookies. If you do not wish to receive our cookies, adjust your browser settings. Read our Cookies Policy to learn more.