Accelerate your biologic
drug development with
Purolite™ chromatography resins.

Accelerate your biologic
drug development with
Purolite™ chromatography resins.
With 40 years of manufacturing expertise and 30 years of regulatory experience, we supply leading separation, purification and extraction technologies to support chromatography and biocatalysis applications in healthcare and life sciences.
Purolite 在美国、中国、罗马尼亚和英国设有制造工厂。每个站点都通过了国际标准化组织 (ISO) 和 ISO 9001:2008 认证,向全球客户和利益相关者保证我们的离子交换树脂技术是按照高质量标准制造和生产的。我们的罗马尼亚生产基地还遵守现行的良好生产规范 (CGMP),并获得美国食品和药物管理局 (FDA) 的批准,可以生产医药级树脂。
Purolite 定期评估其质量程序,以持续改进并确保产品具有卓越的可靠性和一致性。
我们仍然是全球唯一一家能够以工艺规模生产粒径均一的共聚物和琼脂糖树脂珠粒的树脂供应商。我们的专利技术 Jetting 提供了一种连续的制造工艺来生产具有窄、均匀粒度分布的色谱树脂珠。
Quality Policy
Ecolab is committed and dedicated, through out the entire management process to ensuring that we meet or exceed our customers' needs. We take pride in the fact that our business is devoted to the manufacture and sale of ion exchange resins and adsorbents.
View our quality policy
Health and Safety Policies
Ecolab has a comprehensive understanding of all regulatory legislation relating to the manufacture, distribution and use of our products, and is firmly committed to producing the highest quality products in compliance with global environmental health and safety standards. uses cookies to give you the best possible experience. By using, you consent to our use of cookies. If you do not wish to receive our cookies, adjust your browser settings. Read our Cookies Policy to learn more.