PuroFine products
Case Studies

Purofine™ Products

Purofine grade products have a uniform particle size with a mean diameter of 520 – 620 µm. They typically are more regeneration efficient than Gaussian size distribution resins and have lower pressure drop.

Ecolab developed the Purofine line of products to provide resins with the following enhanced characteristics compared to standard Gaussian resins.

  • Efficient regeneration

  • Efficient separation

  • Good physical and chemical stability

  • High operating capacity

  • Lower pressure drop versus standard resin

  • Lower rinse volumes

  • Superior kinetic performance

We also provide the PuroPack™ grading which provides even better pressure drop characteristics.

Purofine™ Продукты по приложениям

● Перечень категорий - Гелевый Сильноосновный анионит