
Principalele Aplicatii

  • indepartarea ionilor de crom hexavalent
  • eliminarea uraniului


  • Buffered resin
  • Stable pH and CSMR* output
  • Capacitate ridicată de operare
  • Stabilitate fizică excepțională
  • o performanță cinetică buna

Aprobari de reglementare

  • În conformitate cu Regulamentul FDA 21 CFR 173.25 pentru tratarea alimentelor, rășini schimbătoare de ioni
  • Aprobat de schema consultativă pentru reglementarea apei

Ambalaje tipice

  • sac 1 ft³
  • 25 L sac
  • Butoi (Fibră) de 5 CF
  • 1 M³ supersac
  • supersac de 42 CF

* CSMR is the Chloride to Sulfate Mass Ratio.

Caracteristici tipice fizice si chimice

Structura polimerica Copolimer gel polistirenic reticulat cu divinilbenzen
Aspect Perle sferice
Grupari functionale Grupari quaternare de amoniu tip I
Forma ionica Buffered
Capacitatea totală (min.) 1.65 eq/L (36.1 Kgr/ft³) ( forma Cl- )
reținerea umidității 40 - 45 % ( forma Cl- )
diametru mediu 570 ± 50 µm
< 425 µm (max.) 1 %
coeficient de uniformitate (max.) 1.2
densitate specifică 1.09
Greutate de transport (aprox.) 675 - 710 g/L (42.2 - 44.4 lb/ft³)
Limita de temperatură 100 °C (212.0 °F) ( forma Cl- )
Limita de temperatură 60 °C (140.0 °F) ( forma OH- )

Caracteristici hidraulice

Pressure Drop

The pressure drop across a bed of ion exchange resin depends on the particle size distribution, bed depth, and voids volume of the exchange material, as well as on the flow rate and viscosity of the influent solution. Factors affecting any of these parameters— such as the presence of particulate matter filtered out by the bed, abnormal compressibility of the resin, or the incomplete classification of the bed—will have an adverse effect, and result in an increased head loss. Depending on the quality of the influent water, the application and the design of the plant, service flow rates may vary from 10 to 40 BV/h.

Pressure Drop Across Resin Bed


A 20 BV downflow rinse is required before the vessel is put into service. This rinse can be done onsite or offsite pre-installation. Once the resin is put into service, backwashing is not permitted as this will lead to shortened bed life. This is a uniform grade resin with beads of similar size and will not require backwashing for classification / stratification before use. If it is determined, before startup, that air bubbles or particulate matter are trapped within the bed, then backwashing can be done. In that case, the resin bed should be expanded by 50-70% for 10-15 minutes. Please note that bed expansion increases with higher flow rate and lower water temperature. Avoid loss of resin through the top of the vessel by over expansion of the bed.

Backwash Expansion of Resin Bed