PuroSorb polymeric adsorbent resins

PuroSorb™ Products

Purolite's range of synthetic polyers is the broadest available. PuroSorb polymeric adsorbents are highly cross-linked polymers with a highly porous structure as part of their matrix. With either non-polar or hydrophobic tendencies, they readily adsorb highly soluble organic compounds. 

They have a strong affinity for hydrophobic molecules such as polyphenols, vanilla (natural flavor) and naringin (citrus flavanone) that have high electronic density (i.e. unsaturated ring such as benzene). The resin attracts the aromatic groups of the molecules.

The full PuroSorb range is highly stable in acidic or alkaline solutions, as well as the majority of commonly-used organic solvents. They can also be regenerated under mild conditions for prolonged life.

PuroSorb products are ideal for a wide range of applications such as:

  • Debittering

  • Decolorization

  • Organic Removal

  • Antibiotic Purification

  • Desalting

As adsorbents interact with molecules in different ways depending on surrounding conditions (such as heat, pH, competing molecules, solvents, etc), our specialists are always on hand to advise the most suitable product for you. 

PuroSorb™ Produkte nach Anwendung